Meet with a probate attorney in Tyler and East, TX

Don't Let an Unfair Will Stand

The loss of a loved one is always painful. Any issues or questions surrounding that loved one's will can make their loss even more painful. If you want to pursue any kind of probate litigation, you can find a wills attorney at Kenneth E. Raney P.C. Our attorney helps clients throughout the Tyler and East, TX area seek their fair share of their loved one's estate.

Call 903-561-8456 today to speak to a probate contest attorney.

will contest attorney tyler tx

3 reasons why people contest wills

The stipulations of a Last Will and Testament are not easy to contest. However, there are several primary reasons that people contest wills. You may be able to contest a will if:

  1. The will was not signed and witnessed properly
  2. The testator was under the undue influence of another person
  3. The mental state of the testator at the time of signing is questionable

A probate attorney can help you determine what kind of route to take with your legal issue. Email us now if you have any questions for a probate attorney.